Speakers & Sessions

Day One: Tuesday 5 November
1.00 pm-3.00 pm

Bite Sized Sessions

Session Topic

The Panel - Charting the Future: Strategies for Internal Auditors in Times of Change

Summary: The Panel sessions at the IIA NZ Conference 2024 offer a dynamic platform for engaging discussions and insightful perspectives on key topics shaping the future of Internal Auditing.

Session Panel: Refer to Sessions and Speakers

Each panel session comprises a diverse lineup of experts, including a facilitator. These bite sized sessions provide attendees with the opportunity to delve into critical issues facing the profession, exchange ideas, and explore innovative approaches to address emerging challenges. With topics ranging from governance and risk management to technological advancements and industry trends, The Panel sessions promise to deliver valuable insights and practical strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of Internal Audit.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in these interactive sessions and gain actionable perspectives from industry leaders and experts.

1.00 PM–1.30 PM

Auditing Your Climate Footprint

Explore strategies and best practices for auditing environmental impacts and climate footprints within organisations.

1.30 PM-2.00 PM

The New Global IA Standards and Implications on the Profession

Delve into the implications of recent changes in standards for the Internal Audit profession, examining how they shape auditing practices and methodologies.

2.00 PM–2.30 PM

Top 3 Internal Audit Values to Governance in a Fast-Moving Universe

Discover the top three values that Internal Audit brings to governance in a rapidly evolving environment, as outlined by The IIA.

2.30 PM–3.00 PM

Internal Audit: Thinking Different - A Move Towards Value-Based IA

Shift the focus from compliance to value-based Internal Auditing, exploring innovative approaches and methodologies for enhancing organisational value through Internal Audit practices.

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Speakers & Sessions

Prof Houdini Fourie

Ross Tilly

Souella Cumming

Freddy Beck

Maika Haupeakui

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