Speakers & Sessions


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Panel Speaker  

Stephen Walker

Executive Director, Audit NZ, NZICA Regulatory Board Chair

Stephen (Steve) is Audit New Zealand’s Executive Director. Before taking up this position in 2009, he was based in New York as the Director of Operations for the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). 

Steve began his career in 1987, when he was employed by Audit New Zealand as a bursar while studying for his degree. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant early in 1993.

He has experience in a wide range of roles, including external and internal audits, setting standards for financial reporting, policy documents, strategic planning, governance, public sector management, training development and delivery, and executive operational management.

Steve is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ). He was awarded a CA ANZ Fellowship in December 2013, for outstanding contributions to the accountancy profession and the community. He is also a member (Honorary) of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy in the United Kingdom, and of the New Zealand Institute of Directors.

Steve was President of CA ANZ in 2019, following two years as a vice president. He has also served in several other governance roles with CA ANZ. He was a member of its board (2017-2019) and Chair of its New Zealand Regional Council (2017-2018). Steve is currently a member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board. And, he is Chair of the NZICA Regulatory Board.

He is a proud Alumni of the Victoria University of Wellington, having completed his Bachelor of Commerce and Administration (BCA) in 1990, and obtaining his BCA Honours (First Class) in 2001.

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