Speakers & Sessions

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Panel Speaker

David Turner

CEO, Risk NZ

David Turner is a senior business executive and trusted advisor with over 20 years of experience in the risk management industry. David joined the Australian Army and became part of a specialised team where he deployed to East Timor in 1999. After the military contracted to varied private and government organisations in leadership, risk and project roles; he opened his own company that advised on risk management and provided personnel for major projects including: BHPB, Rio Tinto, Multiplex, Police, Australian Elections, and also CHOGM 2011 working with State and Federal Police. David was born in NZ and returned in 2016 to work on the Transdev Wellington rail network transition. He now lives in New Zealand permanently and has worked with Deloitte, KPMG, Defence, MOJ and PwC. He brings a unique blend of expertise across diverse areas with a focus on risk management of human behaviour – one of the more complex, dynamic, and often overlooked areas of the industry.

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Prof Houdini Fourie

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